Think about the biggest thing you've been hoping and praying to have or accomplish. It could be material gain, a new job, a business contract, or some other opportunity, get it in your mind and think about why you want it. Now imagine it shows it at your door (literally or figuratively) today, would you be ready? Have you prepared yourself to care for something that you've wanted for such as long time? Could you maintain it or would it fall apart because you're not yet ready to handle the responsibility? What do you need to make it work? Do you have the resources for it to last? Have you even thought about any of these questions? If not I have to tell you, you're not ready. If you haven't contemplated and started planning to care for what you've longed for then you probably couldn't handle it if it actually happened.
We often dream of things much greater than ourselves but lack the motivation to prepare ourselves in faith that they will actually happen. We get so caught up in the idea of things that there's no effort to make them really happen. I challenge you today to prepare yourself for your dreams. To put yourself in the position to make them happen and to make them last. Educate yourself, invest in yourself, take whatever action is necessary to make your life conducive to the life you want to live and take one step at a time to actually get there. You don't want to lose what you've waited so long to have, make sure you're ready when it arrives.
November 2023