![]() "Thinkers" are quotes that challenge your mind by giving new perspective. A good quote can inspire you, it can motivate you, and it can slap you in the face and make you get up and do something. Think on these words as you journey to legacy... "Life is about making an impact, not making an income. ![]() "Thinkers" are quotes that challenge your mind by giving new perspective. A good quote can inspire you, it can motivate you, and it can slap you in the face and make you get up and do something. Think on these words as you journey to legacy... "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." ![]() "Thinkers" are quotes that challenge your mind by giving new perspective. A good quote can inspire you, it can motivate you, and it can slap you in the face and make you get up and do something. Think on these words as you journey to legacy... "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." ![]() Over the past few days I have started practicing an idea I read in Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking. It's called "Shooting Blessings". In the book Peale describes the practice as something one of his colleagues practiced while traveling. It's very simple to do. As you go about your day you secretly "shoot" blessings to people you see out and about by saying a quick little prayer for them. You don't have to know them or anything about them, just wish them well. I've been using this practice as I drive to and from work every day as cars go by. This has been particularly helpful when I'm in a lot of traffic because it forces me to think positively about the other drivers rather than getting upset when I get cut off or someone doesn't use a turn signal. Praying for them instantly changes my mindset so when I get home my family doesn't have to deal with my travel frustrations. I'm amazed that something so simple can be so powerful. Give it a try! As I approached the cashier at the store today there were two bottles of household cleaner on the belt. The cashier rang them up as the woman in front of me filled her cart and began to walk away. I told the cashier they were not mine, she stopped the woman from leaving, they were not hers either. We called out (the store is pretty small) and an old man appeared saying they were for him. In his hands he carried three cans of beer from the refrigerator which he placed on the belt. The cashier got my approval to ring him up before me even though he had gotten out of the line. After ringing up the beer the cashier says, "Can I see your ID?" I smiled at her and chuckled a little to myself, then I looked at the old man. Suddenly the wrinkles on his cheeks and around his ears began to squeeze together as the sweetest smile came across his face. "Thank you", he said sincerely, as he counted out his money to pay.
And with that, my heart smiled... ![]() People often overlook the power of influence. We don’t realize just how far our actions go and how deep the impact on others. One night, about 10 years ago, I realized the power of my influence, here is the story… During the Thanksgiving holiday my high school class met for our five-year reunion (yes, I know, a five-year reunion is little weird but it’s tradition at our school). As I was standing around, one of my classmates (a Caucasian male) walked up from behind me and put his arm around my neck. “Romaine”, he said, “ I wouldn’t say this to you if I weren’t drunk”. Needless to say my interest was immediately piqued. He proceeded to tell me that his father was a racist and that he was raised to believe very negative things about African Americans (he mentioned a few but I think I blocked them out as I can’t remember them today). He then thanked me for being myself and told me that knowing and watching me in high school allowed him to see that his father’s opinion of African Americans was wrong. He told me that he was a police officer assigned to a predominantly Black district and that being able to interact with me in high school has helped him do his job better. He said it helped because he doesn’t see the Black people he deals with as his father had taught him but as people, people like me. I was at a loss for words but managed to squeeze out a question, “Which district?” It turned out he was assigned to the district where I grew up and where my mother still lives to this day. He gave me his phone number, told me to call him directly if my mother ever had any problems and promised he would do everything he could to help. A few weeks later he kept that promise as a conflict between my mother and her neighbor required police assistance. He came immediately to handle the situation and patrolled my mother’s street for weeks to ensure there was no further problems. Let me say that I did nothing special to influence this guy. We were in the same homeroom all four years of school and shared a few classes, that was it. I had no idea he was being taught such things at home and that, internally, he was struggling with those ideas. I think about this night every time I see something about conflict between the police and the Black community. Then I get emotionally overwhelmed as I consider the possibility that, by just being a positive person, I may have saved a life because there is one less cop profiling citizens because of their race. One less cop using his authority to fulfill distorted ideas about a group of people. One less bigot wearing a blue uniform. The Power of Influence...Think Legacy. ![]() "Thinkers" are quotes that challenge your mind by giving new perspective. A good quote can inspire you, it can motivate you, and it can slap you in the face and make you get up and do something. Think on these words as you journey to legacy... "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily." Do you need some passion for your purpose? Apply the things you need and share the ones you don't with someone who does. Something that has helped me tremendously on my Journey to Legacy is Positive Thinking. As I go throughout my day I make a conscious effort to think positive thoughts, even when the day is not going according to my plans. Here are some things that can help you use positive thinking on your own journey. These tips were adapted from Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking. ![]() To know me is to see a strong woman who, seemingly, has everything together. A person who has a plan to get through any situation that may arise and an answer for everything; I wouldn’t say a “know-it-all” but a “know-a-lot” (lol). I’ve helped many people identify their strengths and interests so they could put them to practice in their everyday lives. No one would have ever thought I needed help with the same in my own life. You see, the problem with being good at a lot of different things is that you have no time to develop the one thing at which you can be great. There’s just not enough hours in the day to do it all and, to be honest, I don’t really enjoy some of the things I am known for doing well. Despite helping others I’ve only recently figured out how add function to my purpose. I knew my purpose was to help people be more effective but I didn’t how to make that “live”. It took the persistence of an accountability partner to get in my face and force me to think about what I wanted to do and how that fit my purpose. She grilled me, picked at my brain, asked me question after question, then made me follow up with her after I has a few days to think. I thank God for her today because I now have a greater vision and a plan to make it happen. This blog is part of that plan, as are speaking engagements and a book I am currently writing where I share my story in hopes of inspiring and motivating others. So, today I am that accountability partner for you. No, I’m not in your face but I am challenging you to recognize your purpose. What is your vision for your life? What mark do you want to leave on the world? It’s ok if you can’t figure out how to make it work just yet, I just want you to get in the habit of thinking about it. Start thinking legacy...TODAY! |
November 2023