Have you checked out Unstuck The Rut yet? If not you are missing out on something great. A few people had the opportunity to get a sneak peek before the official release a few days ago and I thought I'd share some of the feedback I've gotten so far. Here are some things people are saying:
"Great job! You need to make it longer." "This is a good way to help people think about their lives, where they came from, and how far they have made it in life." "It makes you look at yourself and inspires and motivates you." "This will help our young society." "I like the simplicity of it." I even heard that a teacher I know has incorporated the program and other blog posts into her the daily routine in her classroom. She has quotes from the blog posted around her classroom and students have to choose a quote and discuss what it means to them and how they will apply it during that day. How amazing is that? Click on the link below to purchase Unstuck The Rut: 7 Days of Thought Transformation so you can begin TODAY!
If you follow this blog then you know I am an advocate for positive thinking and that I strongly believe all change begins in the mind. You also know that I am a woman of faith and that my faith plays a major role in my decision-making.
On the heels of releasing my thought transformation program I had to take things a step further for people who believe their minds are already in the right place. I have one question for you: If you believe you can have a better life and you have faith that change will actually happen, why hasn't it happened yet? If you haven't seen the fruits of your positive thinking and faith chances are you have no works. The scripture referenced above brings to light an issue that keeps many of us from having the lives we truly desire. The issue is simply that we have the faith but have no works. If you don't quite understand I'll put it more simply, we believe we can actually achieve something, that it is possible even if it seems impossible; however, we have not taken any action to make it happen. How can you expect something to happen when you haven't taken any steps to make it happen? Sure, you can believe that you'll lose weight one day but if you never take steps to clean up your eating and to exercise the pounds will stay on. You can believe you'll be rich one day but if you never take the opportunities that can bring you those riches your bank account will remain the same. It's simple to understand but somehow so many of us get caught up in the space between believing we can do something and actually doing it. So, whatever positive thoughts you are thinking or dreams you are dreaming be sure to add some works to that faith so what you see in your mind can become reality. It's here! Unstuck The Rut: 7 Days of Thought Transformation is my first multi-day personal development program and I am so excited to be presenting it to you today. This program is the perfect way to jump start your journey if you're just getting started and to kick it up a notch if you're already on your way. Invest in yourself and your legacy today!
I'm sure by now you've seen this video on Facebook or some other social media network. I share it with you today because she is doing exactly what we all should do: Living life with passion. This little girl has taken a mundane song that we hear every day and made it her own. She gave her best to make singing the alphabet enjoyable, entertaining, and fulfilling. If we all put that same passion into what we do every day our lives would be filled with joy. I challenge you today to put some magic into the mundane areas of your life and see how much it makes you smile.
![]() Have you ever had a day when everything was just too much? A day when you felt if just one more thing happened that you would lose your mind? A day when you wanted to stay in bed and just feel sorry for yourself? You have? Me too. Some days it seems like everything we deal with is just way too much to handle. There are days when we become overwhelmed with the massive amount of responsibility we've taken on over the years and it seems like no one anywhere could possibly understand what we are experiencing. I've certainly had those days, sometimes consecutively and, occasionally for several days. Those days are not fun. Those days are the worst. Now, with me being a pusher of positive thinking you probably think that's where I'm going in this post. I'm not. Yes, positive thinking works and I highly recommend that you make it a way of life but, there are times when it just really is not enough. Here are some things I've learned to do to help me on days when life seems to be just too much:
Some of these activities work every time, some only work when paired with others, and some I do regularly regardless of how I feel simply because I enjoy them. I don't expect all of them to work for you. Maybe none of them will work for you. I shared them to show you the effort I put into getting through those rough days when they creep up. Even if it takes me running through everything on this list I have to make up in my mind that I will not be defeat by life and you have to do the same. This list is no exhaustive. As I have new experiences and try new things I learn more about what works for me. Find some things that work for you and put them to use when you need them. In fact, put them to use even when you don't need them. Make a conscious effort to include the things you enjoy in your daily life because you deserve it. And most importantly, remember that those days are just that, DAYS. Days pass, don't allow them to become a lifestyle. Cheers! |
November 2023